I'm very pleased that my website has been bought up to date thanks to Claire Louise's hard work. The design hasn't altered but the codes which were very antiquated have been bought up to date. It's working much better now!
She is also responsible for one of the most beautiful envelopes that Joe and I have ever recieved:
If you look carefully you can see our house in Ireland with Joe fishing in the bay and Rabbit Island in the background.
Two of my large watercolors, View from Brooklyn Bridge and View of Mount Fuji are in the show Expressions in Watercolor from September 28th, 2010 until January 24th, 2011 at Publicis Healthcare Communications, 1675 Broadway 8th floor. Tel- 212 468-4033 Hours- 8:30AM - 5:30PM M-F By appointment only. The work has been chosen from students taking Paul Ching-Bor's New Techniques in Water Media class at the Art Students League, New York.
A series of trays, placemats and coasters have just been produced using one of my tempera paintings of pears, mangoes, pomegranates, grapes, strawberries, lychees, mangosteen, apricots, cranberries, blackberries and loganberries. They will available soon on line from Lifestlye www.life-style.co.uk.
Just arrived – a PDF of the six two meter high banners designed for the launch of the UK Sussex Sea Fisheries District Committee Inshore Sustainable Fisheries Project and using some of my seafood illustrations. Containing information about the seafood’s biology, ecology and stock status, they will be used at the event's launch and at various open days along the Sussex coast. I'm very pleased with how they have turned out.